I'm back in shape!!! Finally something to write about. :-) I did a fitness test last week 6 months to the day since my surgery. I am really happy and surprised with how it went. My target I set myself when I was lying on the couch 6 months ago was to Squat 160kg by this week, which I did easily and to add to that I almost got a PB for my Overhead Squat. My bike test was just short of where I usually am when I'm in good shape however considering my injury and surgery 6 months ago it was good.
I'm currently out in Austria skiing at Kitzsteinhorn glacier. This week I have been gradually increasing the intensity of my free skiing to put my knee through its paces and see how it holds up to laying the turns over, so far everything has been positive and it's held up well. I am very cautious of gradually increasing the intensity of my sessions and will take plenty of time before I'm back hammering through the icy courses like I normally do.
Not much snow out here at the moment, up on the glacier it's excellent but its too warm for the resorts down low to seriously pump the snow guns on, although they have managed to blow some on the shaded slopes.
Here are the vids from my Overhead Squats this year and last year. I went for 120kg this year but was lacking in explosiveness from my legs so failed to get it up above my head.
October 2010 117.5kg
November 2011 115kg
I'll keep you updated on my progress back to top skiing shape.